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25 Creative Ideas Bringing Millions

The concepts discussed in this article create a word-of-mouth advertising plan that
aids in obtaining immediate outcomes. Here, I also encourage the idea of earning money.
rather than only marketing your goods or services, focus on the resources you already have.
This book is intended for those entrepreneurs that are open to trying new things and
give their companies new tools to achieve a "wow" factor. Numerous methods
You may find the descriptions here excessively ostentatious, yet in the world we live in today, this is
the sole method to differentiate your business from competitors and rise to the top in
your specialty.

I'm grateful that you opened this book. I have no doubt that you will read it through to the very end. I really believe that books are primarily valuable because of the ideas they raise. You can gain a variety of insights and lifehacks by reading any book on any subject, which will enable you to come up with amazing ideas for your requirements. That's how things work with me. This book is intended for individuals who are looking for novel concepts, unconventional fixes, and easy-to-use yet incredibly powerful business strategies. You may achieve outcomes in just one day, from idea to result, by implementing certain tools into your firm now. It's not so horrible, is it? To draw clients, you don't have to invest a lot of money. Here are some easy techniques to boost your company's profit by 20%. Every technique discussed was applied in actual situations and resulted in actual financial gain. Every example in this book is distinct. They encourage original thought and force you to view your company from a fresh angle. I travel to seven to eleven locations each month to give speeches at business events that range in size from 200 to 15,000 entrepreneurs. I therefore speak with a great deal of folks. They tell tales of their triumphs and failures. We work together on cross-marketing initiatives and collaborations. We also observe what functions well and what doesn't. In the event that something goes wrong, we consider the best course of action. I share all of my real-world knowledge along with useful marketing tools. All cleverness is elementary. However, this frequently results in superficial solutions being dismissed because they appear too simple. You thus begin delving even farther, squandering enormous sums of money and valuable time. * A separate note of gratitude is owed to Vladimir Marinovich for some excellent ideas that find their way into this book. Have fun while reading.

Chapter 1: Vladislav Bermuda's Ideas Bring Millions

Ideas 1: bringing clients to the recently opened gym. How to make the "first free workout" offer more valuable Once

I conferred with an EMS studio owner. It relates to deliberate exercise. Perhaps you've seen an advertisement where a business-suit-wearing man runs on a track, building muscle. EMS is a cutting-edge simulator. In order to draw clients to the studio, they offered a "first free workout" promotion. However, it failed, and no one showed up. They were at a loss for what to do next. They approached me and said, "What went wrong with this strategy? This offer was not taken up by anyone. Nowadays, nearly every gym offers free initial visits. Free visits no longer have the same impact as they had five or six years ago. We already take this marketing tactic for granted. My suggestion: We produced certificates that were worth 2000 Russian RUR (RUR). The closest jewelry retailers received these certificates. Customers of jewelry retailers received them as bonuses in the event that their average expenditure increased. The offer of the "first visit" now had some value. After being given this certificate as a present, the recipient went to the gym or gave it to someone else. Why not utilize the 2000 RUR that you now have in your account to try something new at no cost? Since only well-off clients received those certificates, we brought in a lot of high-caliber business to this EMS studio.

Ideas 2: After I demonstrated that offering "coffee for free" is far more lucrative than selling it

With one restaurant owner, I placed a wager. They had to give away free coffee to their customers for a month. Recall that the offer of "free coffee" was a unique voucher. Distributed to the closest establishments were printed coupons. Once more, clients received these vouchers as a bonus in the event that their average spend increased. Remember that this strategy also encouraged an increase in the average check at these establishments. These vouchers were bringing customers to this establishment. The average cost of a coupon at first was 14 RUR. The cost of the coupon was 18 RUR, even if the visitor selected the priciest coffee. However, the traffic these discounts generated for us was revenue. All costs were covered by the free cup of coffee and the slice of cake that was purchased. Indeed, the lead cost was 13–18 RUR; this is how much coffee costs for the first time in Russia. Advantages for the restaurant include: + devoted patrons; + positive word-of-mouth and increased demand; + a means to maintain an advantage over rival establishments. It's important to remember that coffee cafes, where coffee is the primary product, cannot use this strategy. It is limited to use in cafés and restaurants. The "coffee for free" method is a simple way to boost your earnings in a month.

Ideas 3: A restaurant with roulette. speculating about settled bills

One day, I was approached by another restaurant owner, and all he wanted to know was how to get more people to come into his establishment.I gave him a great suggestion that I had previously observed. This is how it operates: Customers have the option to return the money they have paid after eating and paying their bills. Consumers go to the register, insert their money into the roulette wheel, and receive a complete refund if the ball lands on the bill's number. Music plays during the entire process as the waiters remove the money from a tray. It appears to be a play. Because roulette creates a wow effect and draws attention, you can be sure that your location will appear in a lot of social media images. This was a pretty great idea. I informed a number of others about it because I had never seen anything like it before. As an effective marketing tactic that encourages word-of-mouth referrals.

Ideas 4: advising on the promotion and packaging of franchises. five times the market price

I once expanded my own company to 28 cities. It had to do with fashion, specifically my own line of men's "Bermuda" clothes. I concluded that I could grow other companies as well. I suggested to my partner at the time that we start a franchise consulting firm. "All right, Vladislav, how much can we get on this?She enquired. After doing a niche analysis, I discovered that franchise packaging was 300,000 RUR per service. I said, "Let's do it for 250,000 RUR since we are new entrants and the average price on this market is 300,000 RUR." She stated, "I will only handle this if we receive 1,500,000 RUR, not a penny less." In what way? On the market, the highest price for this kind of consultancy is 300,000 RUR. How are we going to provide them 1,500,000 RUR for doing the same?I enquired. Make it yourself if that's what you desire. You make the decision. However, I find it intriguing only if it costs 1,500,000 RUR," she finally remarked. We started to consider ways to offer the same service, which is five times less expensive in the franchise consulting market, for 1,500,000 RUR. We looked at every rival. They all provided franchise packaging as a service, but none of them went into great depth about it. The marketing kit, franchise book, brand book, start-up instructions, marketing strategy, business plan, and a few other documents were the six main components of a typical franchising proposal. We took each brick and gave a thorough description of it. In our instance, the brand book included 35 points, each of which included a detailed description. We received 112 points altogether, which were essential for growing franchises. After calculating our service cost and factoring in the cost of advertising agency services, we submitted our bid to advertising firms. It came out to be between 3 and 6 million RUR on average. We then began corresponding with prospective customers. While the real market worth of our services was 5 million RUR (112 service points detailed), we marketed the impression that they only cost JUST 1,500,000 RUR (this amount is given as an example). In addition, a bonus of 300,000 RUR was set aside for advertising costs. Given that the cost per lead (CPL) for franchising is two thousand RUR, 150 leads will be generated by the 300,000 RUR expenditure. In franchising, conversion rates are around 2%. You actually receive three to four franchisee contracts as a result. Thus, a 300,000 RUR advertising expenditure is sufficient to sell three to four franchises. Additionally, this offer becomes more than simply appealing if, for instance, the typical cost of a fashion store or beauty salon is 3–4 million RUR. There's no need to open a second branch and worry about profitability. When starting a new business, you must constantly rely on employees, pay for promotion, choose the location and oversee the operation, and so on. All entrepreneurs are aware of the numerous challenges associated with establishing new locations. Additionally, you can never be certain of the exact profit margin ahead of time because there are too many variables to consider. We suggested that you pay between 3,000,000 and 4,000,000 million RUR to open a new branch. Here, you will invest 1,500,000 RUR, and we will create a network of franchises for you. In addition, you have a bonus of 300,000 RUR for advertising expenses. In order to help you capitalize the business much more quickly. We were successful in outbidding the market offer for this.

Ideas 5 :Useful expressions for your clients. Regardless of what you sell—land lots, anything at all

Everybody forgets about affiliate networks. Some people have already signed on as our clients, and they are eligible to work as our agents. The folks in your client database are already brand loyal. You can present them with entirely other options. Offer them the opportunity to purchase stock in your business, join you as an agent or franchisee, and share in your profits. In addition, you might offer them your membership card in exchange for them and build a specific community. If you already have a following, you must maintain regular contact with them. It is monetizable. You can move mountains: develop new markets, enter new markets with alternative products, grow your business—all at the expense of your devoted audience. Most of the time, people don't use what they have. They search for new tools and devise new techniques, all the while maintaining a database of 5,000 individuals with whom they have no communication whatsoever. Furthermore, no one seems to care when some clients patronize your establishment. Asking "What shall we do so that you buy from us?" is the simplest method to get someone back into your business. - How can we get you to get back to us? How can we get you to become a consistent customer? These secret words also function flawlessly with customer databases. A database of contacts, clients, and leads is one of every business's most significant assets. Everybody has requirements. In the event that he purchased a home or a land, he will require services for pool excavation, sewage cleanup, installation, and decoration. Promote the services of your partners to them. Some people make real estate investments. Present them with other intriguing initiatives that will bring in money later on. Make the most of the resources you have at your disposal; you can always contribute something.

Ideas 6:A simple strategy for drawing in a high-margin business investor

You may easily draw investors to your business if you have a high-margin product. For instance, let's say your company sells clothes. You purchase garments at a cost of 800 RUR, and they sell for 4,000 RUR on average. You can work out a 50/50 deal with fashion retailers to have them displayed in their showrooms; the store owner will receive 2,000 RUR, while you will receive 2,000 RUR. The fashion store finds it to be an intriguing offer because it allows them to increase their product selection, increase their profit margin and exposure, and attract more customers as a result of your website traffic. Compute the advantages: The outfit originally cost 800 RUR. You make 1,200 RUR from each sale. Since you don't have to pay rent or a wage, bankruptcy is impossible. How long it will take to sell these garments is the only unanswered question. In a single showroom, you can showcase a collection of twenty dresses. Every garment comes in three pieces, with S and M being the most popular sizes. That works out to 40–60 dresses every showroom. 800 multiplied by 40 gowns is 50,000 rubles. That is the amount of money required to stock garments in one showroom. For any investor, 30% annually is regarded as a very good passive income. If we invest 50,000 RUR, 30% annually yields 15,000 RUR annually. fifteen thousand rub. / 12 = 1,200 RUR. Your investor will receive that from you on a monthly basis. Therefore, in order to give the investor with a 30% annual return, two outfits must be sold each month. This is very feasible and, at the same time, there is no risk to the investor, the money is invested in the product, and there is no rent or wage to be paid. This investment carries little risk. Concept #7. When a vendor offers to purchase products from a customer at a lower price

Ideas 7: When a vendor offers to purchase products for less than what the customer anticipates

Shop workers usually try to upsell customers on products that are somewhat more expensive than what they intend to purchase in order to increase revenues. Upon closer examination, however, it makes more financial sense to sell customers select items at a lower cost than they had anticipated. Consider the following scenario. A man entered the store selling home appliances. He's approached by a store assistant who says, "What are you looking for, sir?" I require a laptop. What amount are you hoping to pay? – thirty thousand RUR. - What are your plans for this laptop? Good for office work. I'd recommend a decent one to you for $25,000. The purchaser is taken aback. Supervisors typically try to upsell you on something more costly than you requested, but in this case, they're giving you a lower price. Naturally, the client grows to rely on this manager. The most fascinating part, though, is revealed later. The manager responds, "You still have 5,000 RUR saved," after offering the laptop for 25,000 RUR and saying that it all depends on the demands of the client. For your protection, let's grab a laptop case and a few extras, including a mouse. It is also possible for you to obtain insurance. Consequently, the client receives a laptop that meets all of his needs in addition to several extras. The customer exits your store with a smile. As a result, the store made more money than it would have if the customer had only purchased one laptop for 30,000 RUR. Why is it the case? It's that simple: the margin on accessories is far larger than the margin on computers. The margin on PCs is about 5–10%, but it is approximately 100–500% on accessories. As a result, they made significantly more money by selling a laptop for less money and upselling customers on peripherals. They also acquired a devoted customer at the same time as he was happy. What a great tool that is.

Ideas 8 : Putting up artwork for sale

For 1,000 RUR, or Russian money, I purchased 60 paintings (as an example) during my time in China. They cost roughly 10,000 RUR apiece in St. Petersburg. Instead of speculating, I made the decision to develop an intriguing and important social initiative. I came up with the concept for the Social Arts Center, which would bear Vladislav Bermuda's name. Membership payments were required for entry into this arts center. Assume for the moment that the membership cost ranges from 50,000 to 100,000 RUR. All of these artworks may have been sold to buyers at average market value for those who paid this cost. I only asked that these participants donate 20% of the sale price to domestic animal shelters, elderly people, or children. "Vladislav Bermuda" signed each artwork. Given that 20% of the painting's sale price was donated to charitable organizations and social needs, the buyer effectively became a benefactor. It was a win-win situation. I wasn't speculating at all. I created a project that had social significance and made money by charging membership fees. Members of the club receive a ready-to-sell high-margin product along with a sales strategy. Customers perceived themselves as winners. It was a tale of societal significance and conceit. This was an idea for transforming an ordinary painting buy into an engaging and socially relevant enterprise.

Ideas 9 :Goldfish

Consider the following scenario. You place an aquarium fish in a plastic bag filled with water and show it to kids in the playground across from your pet store. With this "floating gift," the child returns home. Any parent worth their salt understands that raising children to be responsible adults starts with having pets. And it was the best decision ever—the fish. Fish do not bark, there is no wool all over the house, it does not squeak, it does not feel lonely when no one is home, and it does not end up on the carpet, you know, unlike dogs, snakes, or cats. Important information: You must put stickers with your pet store contacts on the plastic bags. So where do moms go to purchase an aquarium? Naturally, to the closest pet supply store. Their aquarium is not enough; they also require fish food. Moms might be relieved that their kids brought a fish instead of a dog or cat from the nearby trash bin. Traffic to the pet store is therefore increased.

Ideas 10 : Participation and personification

As an illustration, consider shampoos designed specifically for blonde or dark hair. "Vasya", "Dasha", and "Katya" are Coca-Cola names. When someone sees a product labeled "For the blue-eyed" or "For the brown-eyed," they assume it is manufactured just for them. The product is the same, but it is customized for every individual. As an additional illustration, if you send 5,000 emails and address each recipient by name, the openability of the correspondence will increase three to four times over the noname strategy. Everybody belongs to several groups: those who were born in Moscow, those who moved, divorced, became parents, fathers of teenagers, dog breeders, and so on. Additionally, a product gets more personalized when the customer recognizes personification in it and realizes that it belongs to them. It is received differently, as though it were created just for that person. Do you have any childhood memories of name-printed pins? The identical item. Pointless item, but since my name was on it, I had to take it without a doubt. In online advertising initiatives, personification and engagement are particularly effective when they garner a lot of attention.

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