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20 ways to attract more customers to your business

Growing your business starts with attracting and retaining customers. In this article, you'll find 20 proven strategies to stand out from the competition and win customer loyalty. From exceptional service to creative marketing tactics, these tips will help you create lasting connections. Start transforming your customer approach today!
20 ways to attract more customers to your business

#1. Serve your customers in a special way, and they will always come to you.

place of your customer. Do the best for people and serve them the way you want to be served. Be their guide, help them, build trust, and let them trust you to do things for them; be the adviser they can rely on. Let them know you feel what they feel and that you have the answer to their problem. Always give them the best service possible. Think of benefits and advantages you can give them. How can you serve them, or what can you give to them that your competitors can never consider or be able to do for them?

What more can you do to enrich their lives from what you are doing already? Respect them, show them what they are not seeing that can make them money or save them money or help their lives and business. Help them avoid mistakes and losses and prevent choosing inferior goods and services. Love them sincerely; never deliberately exploit them. Show concern for their well-being; serve them without waiting for money first. Show them new ways, and they will follow you. Be simple, be humble, and be sincere. Your advice, products, and services must be a solution to their genuine problems. Noting fake, nothing substandard, and nothing deceitful.

#2. Know the value of price reduction and use it.

Price reduction is one of the easiest means of taking customers away from your competitors. Buyers are sensitive to prices and will change immediately to someone who sells at a reduced cost, however little. Because of 2% reduction in price, people will come from far places to buy from you. So sell at less price to your customers in every product, however small the margin is, do it. It is magical in effect to your customers. It makes much difference to them. Don’t feel you are losing when your neighbor is making more profit from the same quantity and quality of product sold, you will make more sales in volume and the turnover from multiplied customers will make your profits far greater than his. With time their customers will know you sell cheaper and will start coming to you, and you know what that means in revenue.

#3. Have and maintain a comprehensive customer database.

Most businesses neglect to have a database of all the people that buys from them. Take the names, phone numbers, emails and physical addresses of people who steps into your businesses. Tell them you will like to call and maintain a business relationship with them. Tell them you have bonus, new
offers, discounts, promotions, bonanzas, etc, coming and you will like them to be the first to know.

Design your receipt to carry such information so you extract it from there. There is no way you can serve your customer and business well if you don’t have the means to communicate frequently with them. Customer database is key. Start it today and systematize it.

#4. To make your customers buy easily, remove the risk of buying from them.

People are happy to buy when the risk is removed from them. Say something like, “I am giving you the assurance that if the product does not work like you expected, return it and I will replace it for
you”. Or say to them, “If you get home and you do not don’t like it bring it back and take your money in full”. Give warrantees and guarantees and give conditions that will make it easier for them to buy. When you make them feel they are no longer taking a risk by buying from you they will pay
immediately. Believe it that not many of them will ever return anything they have paid for. The best they can do is to call you when it develops fault and make arrangements to help them fix it. Educate them on why they should buy and buy now. Remember, your competitors are not doing this.

#5. Make free gifts to attract more customers.

For example, if you run a restaurant, you can do any of these. Announce a free gift, free food,
free fruit, and free ice cream. Think of the fact that if they are happy, they will come back many times over to buy. So, the magic is in repeat patronage. Know the value of first-time customer. Do things to retain him, and within a few months you will be expanding your business outlets.

#6. Go meet your customers.

If you run a laundry and dry-cleaning services, go to people’s houses and collect their clothes, don’t wait for them to bring it. Ask for blankets, rugs, suits and children’s clothes to wash for them.
They’ll give you. Your competitors are waiting for them to bring their clothes to their shop, but go to their homes and collect it. This same idea can be extended to any other business.

#7. If you run a hotel, give extra services free of charge.

For example, wash their clothes. Offer to iron their clothes, polish their shoes in the morning so they look smart before they live. Give them free breakfast. Wash their cars for free. Other people are not doing all of these. Also give them take away flyers, your newsletters, magazines of your hotel- find
anything they can take away that will advertise your hotel wherever they go.

#8. If you have shop know your customers by name.

Ask and never forget the name of his children and family members. Smile, greet people with happiness in your voice, and be cheerful as you serve them. Appreciate them for coming to buy from you. The simple thank you means a lot to them. Even with first time customers, it registers your face and position in their memory. Next time they come around they will look for you. Always be friendly with your customers, however stupid they may act.

#9. Be helpful to them in many other ways they may need your help.

Give them information, offer solution when you observe a need in their lives. Do not limit your helpfulness to your customers to the item you are selling to them. If you observe he has pain, show concern and if you have anything that can relieve give it. Even if it is information on how to find
solutions offer it. You will become their friend. Think of ways to be helpful, even if it is offering to carry their purchase to their car, or walk them with umbrella to their car when it is raining, do t.

#10. Attract more customers by changing the color of the product.

Changing the packaging of an item adds value to it. Create uniqueness and attractiveness to what you do. Crate variety often. People always like new things, and will go for something different, at least for a change. So provide that little change.

#11. Give your sales people all the profits from every new customer they brought to buy.

If you do this, they will more than double their effort to bring in more new customers. Now the trick is this. Every new satisfied customer comes back to buy several times in the year. And it is from the repeat patronage that you make your money. Never give 2% commission to your sales people. It will never motivate them to go the extra mile. Think differently and do what your competitors can’t contemplate.

#12. Never neglect to use the social media to sell your product and services.

You can use it to hit millions of people instantly across countries. Only a few people can walk to your business door daily, but with the internet in their hand they can view online from anywhere and buy
on the spot without moving from their seat. That is the power of internet in the age we live in. your competitors will wait for customers to walk into their brick-and-mortar shop before the make sales. That limits the sales they can make. So, make arrangement to include online sales.

#13. Learn from rejections.

Call clients who didn’t buy and ask, “What did I do wrong? Is there anything I could have done differently? Was I taking over bearing? Did I talk too much? How can you help me?” Their answers will definitely help you adjust, or even attract their sympathy. Your
competitors are too proud to do that.

#14. Give fabulous bonus to your customers.

It depends on what you sell, but the little extra makes a big difference with buyers. Always add a
little gift to every major spender in your business. Giving little gifts to people making little purchases won’t hurt you. Just provide and do it, and they will come back because of that.

#15. Spend time with your big customers to get their loyalty.

Pay special attention to them, but don’t forget the small buyers who come often. They make much difference too. Learn customer relationship management because it is key.

#16. Let the feelings of your customer matter to you.

Listen to what they need most, especially if they tell you how to serve them better.
Hear them out when they talk to you. Go out of your way to be of help. Make
them feel special.

#17. Give customers more than they expect.

Surpass their expectations by adding more services, more products. For example, when
someone buys electronics from you, offer to send a technician to help install it for free. He will feel obligated not only to come back to buy again, but he will announce you to other people. Why? He is happy and satisfied with your services and must find a way to reward your kindness.

#18. Solicit negative feedback.

Give them chance to explain. Did the product you bought last week work for you? Ask if they have concern over the product. Fix it if they do. Always call your customers to make sure they
are enjoying the item they bought from you. Don’t wait for them to call and complain before you reach out to them. Be prompt to repair, replace or refund their money where you find you have sold a bad product. They good will, though may cost you money, will bring greater business in the future. You are a dependable businessman. Few people will do that.

#19. Take time to explain how a product works.

For example, if a customer buys a complex electronic or mobile telephone, help show him
how to operate and enjoy the features. Don’t leave him to go struggle and figure it out from the manual. Show him how to use it so he can start enjoying it right away. Certain items are difficult to use, so customers will be happy if you show them how before they leave your premises. Assign a
customer service person to play that role if necessary because it is very important.

#20. Under promise and over deliver.

If you told him, it will be ready by Friday, call and supply by Wednesday, and he will know you are effective.


Attracting and retaining customers requires a blend of creativity, consistency, and genuine care. By implementing these 20 ideas offered by Creativn, you can not only draw more customers to your business but also build trust and loyalty that ensure long-term success. Remember, a satisfied customer is the best advertisement your business can have. Start making these changes today and watch your business thrive!

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